- Set up the negative
-insert in holder
-open aperature
-set up image using crank, easel, focus
-get fine focus
2. Set Exposure
-close aperature
-turn off light
-make test exposure
3. Make final Draft
-insert in holder
-open aperature
-set up image using crank, easel, focus
-get fine focus
2. Set Exposure
-close aperature
-turn off light
-make test exposure
3. Make final Draft
I really liked these infographics because they were really detailed and very intricate. You could look at the infographic and get a very good idea of what the article is about.
Questions for CCC:
What is the CCC and what are some of the things that you do here?
How does it feel to help so many seniors and watch them reach their goal and succeed?
What are some of the things you help the seniors with?
How do you deal with seniors and financial aid?
What are your opinions about the sky-rocketing college prices and that too in Texas?
How many scholarship opportunities are there our there and what do most of them require?
What do you have to say to those students who do not want to go to college?
Any words to those who are scared of not getting the available financial aid for college?
Are there any recent programs going on around here at Akins for college?
What are some of the most top college picks for seniors?
Do you have any good websites or contacts that provide college money?
As the years have been rolling by, do you think that Akins, as a whole, is progressing or going down the dumps?
Recently, Akins has just been announced as the number one school in our area to have the highest dropout rates. What do you have to say about that?
What do you think it will take to convince students to quit gangs, drugs, violence, etc.?
Is there anything else you would like to say?
I will be interviewing on November 2, 2007 during 8th period.
Stories from Akins website:
Local story:
Austin American Statesman story: