Monday, December 10, 2007

Steps to making your final photo

  1. Set up the negative

-insert in holder

-open aperature

-set up image using crank, easel, focus

-get fine focus

2. Set Exposure

-close aperature

-turn off light

-make test exposure

3. Make final Draft

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Photography Reflection

  1. The light coming through the aperture is hitting the mirror, which is located in front of the shutter, and it swings up at same time as the shutter release. The shutter speed is determining how much light is coming through the aperture according to the light source that is available. The aperture is located in the lens. You may focus the camera by looking into the lens. There will be a circle with a line going through it, and you know you are focused when the object you are looking at through the circle/line is not split in two; it is one solid object. So the image that is reflecting off of the mirror is now going to the film, and so now the image is created in the camera.
  2. You put the film on the reel, which is a circular type object. You line the "rabbit teeth" up and put in the film. Keep the left side put and turn the right side until the whole entire film is loaded onto the reel. This process is known as reeling. Next, you take this reel and put it in the tank, which is a light proof container. You must put the reel on through the center column. After that, you put the lid onto the tank. I wasn't there to observe the following steps as well but I'm pretty sure that you take the tank, take the lid off, and put the developer into the tank. You swish it aroung for about 2 minutes, and then put it through the stop bath, which stops the developer. You also put fixer in it and swish that around as well. Since we couldn't get past the fixer due to some problem in the chemicals, we didn't do wash, photoflow, or dryer.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Paper vs. Electronic Newspaper Survey

a. U.S. applauds Pakistan's election plan.
U.S. keeping Iran tactical plans current, but no arms buildup yet.
b. I think the print version was definitly easier for me to read because with the computer I had to squint because of the computer light and reading so much on the screen is just annoying.

a. U.S. applauds Pakistan's election plan.
Vince Vaughn's gift of gab brings cheer.
LBJ Library missing eight items.
b. The online version was easier to scan through because you didn't have to turn the pages or pull out section; you would just press the next/previous button.
c. I would rate them as being fair because I made do with everything that the tool bar included but I didn't like the fact that you could only enter one search word at a time and you couldn't search by page numbers.

a. Mark Matson: C1
Larry Kolvoord: B1
Matt Rourke: D1
b. The photos in the print version are definitly better because they're very clear and the online version is more blurry and grainy.

a. The print version was easier to find because for the search box, you could only enter in one word search word at a time and you would end up getting many different results.

I would much rather work with and read the print version of the newspaper because, overall, the print is much better in most fundamentals of the newspaper than the online version. With the online version, when you press the scroll bar, it takes a while for the page to go down. The words and all of the pictures are also a little bit grainy in the online version. With the online version, the most pages I could view at a time was 2, while with the paper version, I could view as many as I wanted. For me, a paper newspaper is also much more enjoyabe to read rather than a high-tech online version.

Monday, November 5, 2007

College Rough Draft

Texas is the priciest state in the Southwest for 2007-2008 college students, due to costs being based on wighted student enrollments.

The Texas average surpasses that of all 12 Western states, with students at four-year private schools paying $20,848 on average, prices that are proving to be far too expensive.

"The college expenses are just ridiculous these days. The prices don't even fall in the normal supply-demand grid and can be very unreasonable," CCC director Terra Miller said.

Many student are deciding to leave the state to go to college.

"I found a lot of cheap out-of-state colleges that were far better than those in Texas, and decided to go there instead," College freshman Saira Zaidi said.

Certain out-of-state colleges have been proven to be far more cheaper than those within the state.

"Many people don't know that you can go to an in-state college in New York for less money than U.T. Austin," CCC director Terra Miller said.

Community colleges have also proven to be less expensive, with the average tuition and fees remaining a bargain $1,695. As a result, many students are preferring community colleges next to private ones.

"I eventually decided to go to the ACC intead of a public school. It was local, convenient, and way cheaper," College freshman Zac Thomas said.

Many student have also decided to study out of the country, due to the expensive college prices.

"I'm planning to go to India for my college. The price for Ivy League colleges here is just ridiculous, it really rips you off," High School Senior Shalini Abdullah said.

Including room and board costs for students living on campus, charges for public four-year colleges in Texas were $13,589. Due to this, many students decided to stay at home rather than live on campus.

"I go to Texas State right now, but decided not to live on campus. I go home everyday now; it's way better, and best of all, free," College Sophemore Patty Brown said.

Although college expenses may seem expensive to students, there are many solutions.

"The scholarships available to students are just uncountable and infinate. There are so many of them available : on the internet, through schools, contests, etc. The AISD is constantly being updated with new scholarship opportunities. There are all types of scholarships awarded to you by certain factors: GPA, sports, volunteer work, etc. Some students also recieve full ride tuition," CCC director Terra Miller said.

For those students who go to Akins, there is also the College and Career Center (CCC) to recieve help from.

"There are so many things going on here at the college and career center. We have computer labs to help students research and fill out applications for colleges. We have many college representatives giving presentations on colleges, sessions for parents, college workshops, and much more," CCC director Terra Miller said.

In the end, college has proven to be worthwile for students.

"I was also really freaked when it came to college expenses, but you learn to deal with it. There are so many financial aid sources out there and so many people to help you. When I walked the stage on graduation, I had never felt so proud before in my life with all those years of hard work finally paying off. It's all worth it," College freshman Faraaz Husain said.

The CCC also has a college search help website which is using the student ID in both the email and password section.

Friday, October 26, 2007

2 Favorite Infographics

My two chosen infographics woudn't load on my blog. I tried it on a couple of computers but it still didn't load on ; here are the links to my two selected infographics:


I really liked these infographics because they were really detailed and very intricate. You could look at the infographic and get a very good idea of what the article is about.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Interview Questions

Questions for Senior who is looking into going to college in Texas:

  1. How are you feeling right now about college expenses in Texas?
  2. How confident are you that you will have enough money for college?
  3. How much have you looked into college expenses?
  4. What are your opinions about the college expenses?
  5. How do you think that you will be saving money now due to the sky-rocketing college expenses?
  6. (If they plan to stay in a dorm) How do you feel about knowing that you are having to pay for college, books, and a dorm at the same time and what are you doing about it?
  7. How do your parents feel about the college expenses?
  8. Is it better to go to a private college and pay more or to go to a public college and pay less?
  9. How much have you looked into scholarships?
  10. How hard is it to apply and receive a scholarship?
  11. How many scholarship opportunities are there and how are you taking advantage of them?
  12. In what way do you suppose the college expenses are unfair to most students?
  13. How are most students managing their money and their time nowadays?
  14. Where do plan to go to college and why?
  15. Is your college choice based on expenses?
  16. How do you regret now saving money for college in the past if you haven't?
  17. What is your advice to freshman right now who are planning to go to college, especially in Texas where the prices are dramatically increasing?
  18. Most people just think -oh, when college comes, I'll figure out a way to pay for it- What do you have to say about that?
  19. What are your opinions about college and college life?
  20. What, if anything, are you excited about for college?
  21. What to do you think will go through your mind as you walk the stage on graduation day?
  22. What do you have to say to those students who don't want to go to college?
  23. What has inspired you to go to college?
  24. Anything else you would like to say?

Questions for CCC:

What is the CCC and what are some of the things that you do here?

How does it feel to help so many seniors and watch them reach their goal and succeed?

What are some of the things you help the seniors with?

How do you deal with seniors and financial aid?

What are your opinions about the sky-rocketing college prices and that too in Texas?

How many scholarship opportunities are there our there and what do most of them require?

What do you have to say to those students who do not want to go to college?

Any words to those who are scared of not getting the available financial aid for college?

Are there any recent programs going on around here at Akins for college?

What are some of the most top college picks for seniors?

Do you have any good websites or contacts that provide college money?

As the years have been rolling by, do you think that Akins, as a whole, is progressing or going down the dumps?

Recently, Akins has just been announced as the number one school in our area to have the highest dropout rates. What do you have to say about that?

What do you think it will take to convince students to quit gangs, drugs, violence, etc.?

Is there anything else you would like to say?

I will be interviewing on November 2, 2007 during 8th period.

My Story Idea

I have decided to write my news story about how much 4 year colleges are costing these days in Texas. I think what makes it newsworthy is that it's happening in Texas, which is where we happen to live (duh), and many of our seniors will most likely go to college in Texas, parcticulaly UT. We all know how riduclously expensive college can be, but this time they have really pushed the limits. Students who aren't seniors may be interested in how expensive college will be in the future. Somenody I can interview for this is mabybe a senior who is looking into going to college in Texas, and I could also interview people who give out scholarships in texas and the people who accept people in their colleges and look at the college applications.
Here is a link to the news story :

Monday, October 22, 2007

Brainstorm Ideas

Stories from my observations:
  • Cold front coming up.
  • The benches from the cafeteria courtyard were removed.

Stories from Akins website:

  • Blue and Gold Night.
  • Special visit to Akins high school by proffessional yoga master.

Local story:

  • State leaders agree to community college funding. I could localize this story by interviewing a student who is receiving college funding right now.

Austin American Statesman story:

  • Police find drugs, guns at home of man in shooting. I could localize this story by interviewing someone who has recently had experience with being involved with drugs or gun shootings.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Next fall, the School Board will be enforcing a new rule stating that all students, including seniors and athletes, must complete two semesters of physical education in order to graduate.

The rule was passed based on a national survey done among teens, stating that teens are turning obese and into "couch potatoes."

"Obesity has become a national embarrassment. Students must learn how to take care of themselves or they won't be around long enough to use the mental education we are giving them," Principal Carl Lewis said.

Students wanting to be exempt will be denied, no matter what the reason is.

"Any doctor who asks for a waiver must come up with an alternative program that will guarantee the student have a physical conditioning program. We are not going to allow easy waivers like has been done in the past," School Board President Arnold Schlister said.

Some disagree and think that this rule is not fair for athletes.

"My kids get a good workout everyday. Football should be exempt. They can't give 100 percent on the football field if they're going to have to take part in this physical education class. That might wear them out,"Head football coach Barry Switzerland said.

Students are also complaining about this requirement.

"This is going to be hard. I've been working three years to graduate next year and now I may have to take summer classes..I think it's unfair to ask those of us who weren't expecting it," Junior Becky Gordon said.

However, there are those who agree with the requirement.

"The school board should be applauded for the stance they are taking," Principal Carl Lewis said.

The board has also modified the new physical education course.

"Tests will include running or walking a mile in less than 12 minutes; complete 25 sit-ups; 10 push-ups and successfully negotiate an abstacle course in 15 minutes or less. They will also have to pass a written test on different sports," P.E teacher Shawna Washington said.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Newspaper Feedback

According to Martin : Senioritis, everyone's got it: by Martin Riley

The lead was a lot of fun to read, and it I could really feel what was going through your mind about this "senioritis". I like how you are really describing why it was so anticipated for you and, at the end of the paragraph, you are actually questioning that anticipation. Pretty descriptive thoughts as well.
"I have been waiting for this year for as long as I can remember: the freedom, the power, the ever-hastening approach to graduation. The senioritis." This is a pretty good quote because you speak your mind clearly and I like the word diction "senioritis".
I like the diction in this story and looked like it was pretty thought out. It was entertaining to read. Even though being a freshmen, I agree with you saying a lot of underclassmen having this senioritis.
I couldn't really find anything wrong with this article, pretty good.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Sarah's Hope

1. One of the most moving parts of the story for me was when it's graduation night and senior Cicely Bledsoe is giving a speech, as follows: "Class of 2000, I challenge you to continue your education. And when you are faced with those negative sterotypes that society has tagged on you, or when you are surrounded by those people who are saying you shouldn't, youwouldn't and youcouldn't, lift your head to the sky, and fierceully, unfearfully and forcefully say without a shadow of a doube, 'Yes, I am somebody.' Sarah wanted those words to be true. But she knows from her own life how hard it can be." This part was very moving and emotional because she decided it's the end of all the misery and time to move on, after all she's been through. The speech is also very compelling.

2. There was also a part where I could imagine the moment so vividly, as if I were standing right there. "Sarah, 15, and her younger brothers huddle like campers around a kersene hearter in the center of their living room. To keep out the cold, Sarah has nailed a sheet over the room's only entryway. The room feels warm, but it's heavy with darkness. A wavering lighe shines from the heater's red flame. A few flickering candles cast large shadows against the walls. Lying on the couch, Sarah reads by flashlight." This is such a vivid scene, and you can really understand what Sarah and her brothers are going through. It has wonderful details.

3. "No way. It's too unbelievable. It can't be right. Sarah Clark, 14, holds the check in her hand. Look agian, her mother says. It's got to be a mistake. Check the name. But there it is, printer in black ink."

4. "I see myself having my own law firm," she says, "and a great house and a perfect family. And I want two kids, maybe three. But I want twins, identical twin girls. i see little redheads playing in the park and having fun. The house, my house, is in the country, with horses and stables and lots of land, lots of trees, lots of space."

Friday, September 7, 2007

My first Interview

The number of people in a school.
The number of parking spaces.
The number of people per class.
The number of desks in a class.
The number of times you have to try out for a sport's team.

Pretty small numbers, huh?
Now a new number comes in toll.

Ah. High school. Home of the good and bad, popular and unpopular, smart and stupid.

It's a whole new thing for all of us; it's a different life and, for most people, the best times of their lives. From the loud screaming and cheering at football games, that look we see on the faces of so many of our classmates when the cafeteria serves mystery meat, up to the deathining silence of the classroom during test time, high school is just something else.

As good as high school sounds, it comes with a boatload of other stuff too. What will people think about my hair, my clothes, my status, and all that stuff we obsess over and laugh at when we're 60. For Amber Beltran, it was the number of people. Coming from a school of small numbers, Akins High School was humungous. With a population of 2,450 and counting, you can just imagine how she felt!

"I was just "Wow!" The gym was so big for me, and there were so many people. There were so many classrooms and the cafeteria was bigger. I was scared yet amazed at the hugeness of it all. I eventually adjusted to the whole thing."

Well, I know that's how I would have felt if I came from such a small school. For most of us, it almost seems unrealistic; impossible to even imagine.

"My old school went from grades Pre-K to 12. There were about 35 people in each class. There weren't a lot of people, obviously, and to join a team sport, you didn't even have to try out! The classes were also a lot easier and not as challenging. It was a nice place."

I then asked Amber about the social life at her school. Our schools are literally flooded with cliques and status awareness, partly because there's so many people. I was surprised with the answer that I received.

"I know that there was peer pressure, but there weren't any obvious cliques like there are here. Since it was such a small school, everyone pretty much knew each other and everyone hung out with the same people at lunch, breakfast, and just in general. One down side was that there was a lot of drama at our school. Since there weren't that many people, news would travel fast. If you told somebody something in 1st period, practically 3/4 the school would know it by 3rd period."

Of course, every high school has its flaws, and yes, even Akins.

"My least favorite thing has to be the block schedule, and lunch is also really weird. This whole thing is really confusing. I don't like having only 5 minutes to walk to the opposite side of the school only to get to class. The only good thing about it is that it doesn't make the day pass by so long and drawny. But I do like seeing new faces everyday and meeting new people all the time in each class and the hallways. Most of the people are also very nice and friendly. One of my favorite classes though is Teen Leadership because it's really fun."

Most of us also enter high school with a pretty clear image of what we want our high school experience to be. The is what Amber told us of her image.

"I wanted high school to be fairly easy yet challenging at the same time because I love a good challenge. I knew in the beginning that it would be challenging and different from 8th grade, but I was ready for it. I wanted to make friends and be involved; I think these are the keys to having a good school year."

She also added that there are lots of things she wants to change about high school.

"I would want to change all the drug use, violence, and all of the things that make more problems. I would also want to change having only 5 minutes to walk so far from class to class. and have a longer lunch."

She also talked about the things she would like to not change about high school, but about the world.

" I would want to change issues from war, chaos, poverty etc., to the smallest things."

Well, I think we can all agree that Amber Beltran is doing a pretty good job dealing with high school, and she agrees.

"I am proud of having a lot of confidence because of all the speeches I've been having to give and all the new people that I've met so far. I think confidence is such an important thing to have, and that is one of the very first things a person looks at."

Amber Beltran is someone who has proved that you can be confident and have dreams, even if you come from small numbers.